I can't believe he is 13 months old. :) All he wants to do is walk everywhere. He is getting so good at it, his new thing he learned is trying to go down the stairs on his stomach. He is at such a fun age, i love it! He is so fun to be with, and has the cutest personality. We can't get enough of him. He loves his daddy that is all he says. When he wakes up in the morning he looks around and says "dada." We love him lots! xoxo
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
*Easter in VEGAS*
My whole family went to Vegas for Easter. It was good seeing everyone and getting together & celebrating. All the kids had fun playing together. We walked the strip, played by the pool & went shopping. It was a fun weekend!
The kiddos easter baskets
Sleeping in his stroller after a long day
Out to dinner at the Grand Lux Cafe
Crew loves laying on grandma
Brody loved feeding Crew everything :)
*A getaway to Florida*
The first week in April Shay went to the Master's for 4 days so, Crew and I headed to Florida. :) We had a lot of fun visiting Grandma Judy and Grandpa Jerry! It was perfect weather and we went to the beach one day and played in my parents backyard by the pool. Crew had a blast, all he wanted to do was crawl right into the hot tub & pool.
*12 Months Old*
I can't believe my sweet baby turned 1 on March 23rd! That went by so fast, it just seems like yesterday he came into our lives. This has been the best year. He is so darling. His new thing is letting go from the furniture and takes off walking. He loves walking all by himself. He is getting so big. His new words he tries to say are "mickey" and "thank you" a lot of his words sound a little bit alike and always start with the letter D, it's so cute. We sure have enjoyed watching him grow up the last year and learn so many new things. We took him to his 12 month doctor appointment a couple weeks ago and we feel so blessed to have such a healthy boy!
12 Month Check-Up
Height: 29 inches (24 percentile)
Weight: 21 lbs. 8 oz. (34 percentile)
Head Circumference: 47 cm (68 percentile)

love this face!

Monday, March 19, 2012
*11 Months Old*
11 months old! His favorite things to do are crawling up the stairs, which he figured that out a few weeks ago. Walking all around the house with his walking "walker toy". Playing with any type of ball (golf balls, baseballs, toy balls etc.) He loves to watch mickey mouse clubhouse and dances to the "hot dog" song. He is so much fun, he has brought so much joy and happiness into our lives. He also had to get tubes in his ears which was for the best (i was so sad, but i knew he needed them and it would be better in the long run). Of course he still loves his bath time, especially now that he actually plays with toys in there. He gets mad for a second when i take him out, he could be in there all day. It's crazy how time goes by so fast i can't believe our little guy is almost 1 year old this week!!
*10 Months Old*
Monday, January 16, 2012
*ChRiStMaS tImE*
This Christmas was Crew's first Christmas :) he got so many fun toys! It was so fun having him with us this year. As you can see in the pictures he was so scared of Santa! I don't know what it is, but every time he looks at Santa he cries and then can't stop starring at him, it's hilarious!
He loved eating the paper
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